Placement Overview

Training & Placement cell at FIT is having its unique way of training the students not only for placing them in private sector but also to get the job in government sector too, and also we help them to develop a mesmerizing personality for choosing a perfect career by giving an opportunity to work on live Projects, which enables them to get exposed to real Industrial problems, which in turn develops their confidence, transforms them from graduates into Engineers, resulting into more Employability and Entrepreneurship. The leading companies from all sectors are invited by the Placement Department on the campus, where the eligible students are facilitated to go through the entire selection process. The entire process is governed by the student's ability and performance, as well as the requirements and norms of the Industry.

In-Campus Placement Record

Sr. No. Name of student Company Name Package in LPA
1 Atul Joshi Endurance Pvt Ltd 3.5
2 Santosh Chavhan Endurance Pvt Ltd 3.5
3 Mahesh Uduppi Endurance Pvt Ltd 3.5
4 Ankita Salagare L-cube Innovations 2.52
5 Yashodhan Jadhav L-cube Innovations 2.52
6 Ankita Salagare OS3 Pvt Ltd 2.0
7 Nikita Purandare OS3 Pvt Ltd 2.0
8 Hrishikesh Bibrale OS3 Pvt Ltd 2.0

Contact Information of Placement Cell

For Indian Students

All the Admissions to the MIT ADT University are done on the basis of the merit as per the UGC guideline. Candidates willing to apply must satisfy the required eligibility criteria. We follow reservations as per Govt's rule.

In the routine procedure, candidate can apply through the online Application Form and then they need to appear for the Entrance test conducted by the University and then has to undergo valid GD/PI round if required. In case of queries can call on the admission cell or can send the mail on for further queries.

For International Students

MIT Art Design and Technology University admits foreign national students as per the UGC norms and Maharashtra State Govt. Rules and Regulations. More than 400 + number of students are studying on the existing campuses of the MIT University. Every year we admit more than 200 + students in various disciplines of the Engineering, Broadcasting and Journalism, Pharmacy, Management and various other education programs at undergraduate as well as post graduate level. Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi and Government of India has shown full support to develop relations with various foreign nations. Few Students from countries like Nepal, USA, Uganda, Mongolia, China, Congo, Burundi, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Rwanda, UAE, Iran, Afghanistan, Senegal, Thailand, Palestine, Togo, Bahrain, Kuwait, Singapore, Iraq, Tanzania, Cambodia , Kenya, Oman, Ivory Coast, Maldives, Korea, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, South Korea, Syria, are sponsored by ICCR.

Interested students can register to MIT Art, Design and Technology University as per the UGC guidelines. Through the Foreign National students category or the general category specifying their nationality and the NRI status. We firmly believe, that it is the gateway for foreign national students to register for various innovative programs in MIT Art, Design and Technology University. Students can send their admission form directly along with necessary documents. Scrutiny committee is authorized to finalize the admission as per the UGC guidelines. MIT Art, Design and Technology University can admit 15 % International students in each course category.

MAEER's IEC (International Educational cell) is proud to note that, every year from more than 40 countries, more than 400 students are admitted in various above mentioned streams. MIT Art, Design & Technology University bide to provide same facilities and support to foreign national Students.

Accessibility Features